Safeguarding During Remote Education

At Jesmond Gardens Primary School, we have reviewed all our safeguarding procedures to ensure that all children whether in school or completing work at home are protected from all safeguarding concerns and measures put in place to monitor this.


Safeguarding children during remote education

Whilst children are at home and school is providing remote education., the same philosophy and practise of safeguarding is still present and the expectation that all staff will monitor the welfare and wellbeing of all children.

Children are accessing their work through showbie and class dojo. Children are very familiar with these resources and regularly access them in school. A daily register is undertaken to monitor children’s access to learning. The work that children have access to is pre-recorded with full explanations of the work they are undertaking. Within showbie, there is a chat function where children and parents have the opportunity to ask questions and contact school staff. This allows school staff to have regular contact with all children in class.


All children will be contacted by phone over a two-week period where school staff will speak directly to the children. Children who the SLT and inclusion team who have been identified as vulnerable children will be contacted twice weekly. Where parents cannot be contacted, school will work closely with the Local Authority attendance team to complete a home visit. Where there is a concern, school will work with the children’s HUB and complete home visits.

The learning register is reviewed weekly by the SLT to identify patterns of non-engagement or any further concerns and addressed appropriately.


A twice weekly video call on showbie takes place where staff can monitor the welfare of all children. This takes place whilst school staff are in school and attendance at these is closely monitored.



There is a regular work will be provided and information sent home about working safely on-line. This is taught through different subject areas and information is regularly provided on class dojo to parents. We also work extensively with the schools local PCSO to look at the impact of on-line safety.


For further information regarding how parents/carers can support children in staying safe on-line – please see the relevant section on the school’s website.

Safeguarding staff during remote education

All staff are familiar with the schools updated Safeguarding Policy in light of remote education. They know how to recognise and respond to the signs of abuse. Staff are familiar with the pupil and staff code of conduct.

During remote education, staff will use pre-recorded teaching sessions to support pupils’ learning. When conducting these lessons, staff follow the guidelines listed below:

  • Staff will maintain their professionalism at all times.
  • Staff will choose an appropriate location to record the session (e.g. neutral backgrounds)
  • Staff and pupils are expected to maintain an appropriate dress code.
  • Staff will ensure that any other tabs they have open in their browser would be appropriate for a child to see, if they're sharing their screen.
  • Parents will be reminded to be mindful that other children might see or hear them and anything in the background.
  • There may be circumstances where staff wish to do a 1-to-1 session with a pupil - for example, to provide pastoral care or to provide support for pupils with SEND. These will be carried out in line with the guidance above.

Staff will use school channels (class dojo, showbie) to communicate with pupils and their parents during school working hours. For vulnerable children or for those not engaging with remote education, staff will be expected to carry out telephone calls to the family. They will follow the guidelines set out below:

  • When telephoning parents and pupils during periods of working from home, staff must always use ‘caller withheld’ to ensure the pupil / parent is not able to identify the staff member’s personal contact details.
  • Use parents’ phones only to contact families (unless this itself poses a safeguarding risk).
  • Call during school hours at agreed times where possible.
  • Any concerns arising from a call or if no contact is made, this will be reported to the DSL and SLT.
  • If there are any concerns with identified families, have another member of staff present on the call.