
Understanding Bullying

Jesmond Gardens Primary School is committed to providing a caring, friendly and safe environment for its pupils, so they can learn and play in a secure environment. The school treats all reported incidents of bullying-type-behaviour and bullying seriously.

Jesmond Gardens Primary School is committed to being a ‘telling school’: all pupils and adults should be able to tell someone they trust and know that incidents will be dealt with promptly and effectively. Anyone who knows that bullying is happening is expected to tell someone they trust.

Jesmond Gardens Charter

The J Team developed our Jesmond Charter in 2013. It is highly promoted in and around our school and everyone is expected to adhere to it

“Respect for all. Be true to yourself”

Our Definition of Bullying

Bullying is the use of aggression with the intention of hurting another person and which results in pain and distress to the victim.

We believe that bullying occurs when one child (or group) hurts another child

On purpose

Over and over again

Knowing that it upsets them

Types of Bullying

Bullying-type-behaviour, which can lead to bullying if it is repeated, includes:

Types of bullying

  • Emotional (being unfriendly, name calling, making offensive comments, teasing, spreading rumours, inappropriate sarcasm, excluding, mocking, taunting, tormenting)
  • Physical (pushing, kicking, hitting, punching, spitting or any use of violence; plus taking other physical-bullying-actions such as taking, hiding or damaging belongings)
  • Racist (racial taunts, graffiti, gestures)
  • Sexual (unwanted physical contact or sexually abusive comments)
  • Homophobic (focusing on the issue of sexuality)
  • Other prejudice-based bullying (e.g. religious beliefs, physical appearance, disability, perceived intelligence, perceived economic status)
  • Cyber (sending abusive or nasty email, sending computer viruses, sending inappropriate images or videos by email, using instant messaging and chat rooms to send threatening or abusive messages to someone else and asking others to join in, using another person’s account, without their permission, to send abusive messages to others, writing nasty or upsetting comments on someone’s profile on social networking sites, making jokes or comments about people on their own profiles, writing comments underneath other people’s posts, setting up a fake profile dedicated to bullying someone else, abusing or harassing someone through online multi-player gaming sites, sending abusive texts, video or photo messages, or sharing videos of physical attacks on individuals (for example “happy slapping” or “blue jacking”), “sexting” which is encouraging someone to share intimate pictures or videos of themselves and then sending these on to other people, posting photos, personal information, fake comments and blogs, or pretending to be someone online without that person’s permission.   

For more information on Bullying, please go to the following link : http://www.counselling-directory.org.uk/bullying-advice-parents.html


Our Golden Rules

All schools will have rules but ours are special because they are our Golden Rules. They are very much like moral values. At Jesmond Road they were displayed in the hall to ensure all children realised their importance. We encourage all of your children to follow these Golden Rules but not just in school but also outside and with you at home. Please help us to make sure our children understand how important they are.

We are gentle

We are kind and helpful

We listen

We are honest

We work hard

We look after property

We play sensibly


Our Telling School

Sometimes a child has a problem in school. Please do come and see the class teacher if you have any concerns. By working together we can often solve issues that children have. At Jesmond Gardens we encourage children to:

Tell their class teacher.

Tell another child in the class.

Mention it incircle time.

Tell another adult.

Tell someone at home.