Results 2018-19
School performance for the year 2018-19
School 2018 |
National 2018 |
Good Level of Development |
77.8% |
72% |
School 2018 |
National 2018 |
Phonics Screening |
85.7% |
83% |
Key Stage 1 Test Results 2018
Percentage of children reaching expected standard |
Percentage of children above the expected standard |
School: 75.6% National: 75% |
School: 22.2% National: 26% |
School: 73.3% National: 70% |
School: 15.6% National: 16% |
School: 77.8% National: 76% |
School: 17.8% National: 22% |
Key Stage 2
Percentage of children reaching expected standard |
Percentage of children above the expected standard |
Average scaled score |
Average Progress |
School: 73.8% National: 75% |
School: 26.2% National: 28% |
School: 104.2 National: 105 |
0.47 |
School: 76.2% National: 78% |
School: 23.8% National: 20% |
-0.98 | |
Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation | School: 73.8% National: 78% |
School: 33.3% National: 34% |
School: 105.8 National: 106 |
School: 81% National: 76% |
School: 26.2% National: 24% |
School : 105.3 Nationa: 104 |
0.92 |
School : 66.7% National : 82% |
NA |
Reading, Writing, Maths Combined | School: 59.5% National: 64% |
School: 14.3% National: 10% |
School: National: |